34 Gilmour Road Edinburgh EH16 5NT
Craigmillar Park Bowling Club is long established and located in the Newington area of South Edinburgh. New members are always welcome. As bowling is all about having fun, our only age qualification is that you be young at heart
The Green closed on Saturday 28 September and will
reopen on Saturday 12 April 2025
Summer Fair
2-4pm 14 June 2025
Table Tennis
Wednesdays @ 2pm
Soup & Sandwiches 12:30
29 March
Braid Ladies friendly 29 May
Dumfermline away 5 July
Falcon away 6 September Bruntsfield Sports Triples 27 July
3 August
17 August
Opening Day 12 April
Club Championships 10 August
Presidents Day 9 August
Mixed Pairs 14 September
Club Finals 21 September
Closing Day Men v Women 27 September
Closing Day 2024
Saturday 28 September was the last day of bowling for 2024, and it was an afternoon of sunshine and, thankfully, short showers. Three 14 end triples games were played with the Red teams representing the Secretary (Frances Lindsay) and the black teams representing the Treasurer (Tom Motion standing in for John McLaren). The overall result was quite close, even if the games weren't particularly, with the Red teams winning by 3 shots.
After the game, everyone retired to the Tearoom for an excellent tea, provided by the committee. President Donald Bunting and Honorary President Derick Scott then made the presentations for this years prizes.
Mixed Pairs 2024
On a grey, but dry Sunday afternoon, 8 pairs took to the green for the annual mixed pairs competition. There were 2 sections of 4, where everyone played each other in a round robin, playing 5 ends but with 3 bowls each. The leading pair of section A, with 2 wins and a peel, was Christine Simpson and Chris Smyth, with Walter Vassie and Alison MacLeod in second place. The leading pair in section B, with 3 wins, was Richard Hicks and Ruth Addinall, with Derick Scott and Frances Lindsay in second place. Christine & Chris and Richard & Ruth went on to play the final after a break for tea. This was a 7 end game, and the score was 5 all after 6 ends. Christine drew the shot with the last bowl to win the game. Congratulations to Christine & Chris.
SESBA 2024
On Monday 9 September, Vice President Walter Vassie, as Vice President of SESBA hosted the Top Nine Finals at Craigmillar Park.
The South Edinburgh Senior Bowling Association league plays on a Tuesday afternoon. The league is contested by 12 clubs and is split into three constituent parts, these being the league itself, the Top Nine Trophy and the Knockout Trophies.
Over the last few years it has been a struggle to maintain a side throughout the season due to lack of numbers. This has made it difficult to compete in all sections of the league. Happily, this changed this season when we managed to fulfil all our commitment bar two. In the end we finished in joint sixth place in the league with 41 points compared to bottom with 22 points last season, in the Top Nine we finished in the top three of our section and we managed to get our triple through to the semi-final stage of the Knockout competition. All in all a great improvement on last year.
This has happened due to the support of all the players, which includes some of our ladies,
who have played their part over the season. Without them turning out every week we would still be struggling. Looking forward to next season, if we can maintain the playing numbers and even increase the playing squad, who knows what could happen; things are on the up for our senior team.
Club Finals Day 15 September 2024
President Donald opened the afternoon wishing everyone well with their games. Although a shower did threaten it wasn't long lived, and so the finals were played on a mainly dry and warm afternoon with periods of sunshine.
The Ladies' Handicap final was between Helen Welsh and Carole Ross both with a handicap of +3. It was a very close game that went either way until 16 all; then Helen snuck away and with a 4 took the game at 23-17. Sally Vick marked and Derick Scott kept the scoreboard up to date.
The Men's Handicap was a rematch of the earlier Club Championship game between Walter Vassie and Richard Hicks, with Walter on a handicap of -4 and Richard with +4. Unfortunately, this was too much for Walter to be able to make up and Richard won the Handicap Final with a comfortable margin. President Donald marked and Christine Simpson updated the scoreboard.
The third final of the afternoon was the Ladies Club Pairs between Ruth Addinall & Frances Lindsay and Ann Henderson & Gillean Hoehnke. This was a close game until the score was 8 all after 9 ends, but then luck was on the side of Ruth & Frances who went on to win 19-10. Thanks to Anna Fowlie for keeping the scoreboard.
Afterwards everyone sat down to tea with scones, jam & cream.
EWBA Charity Day 8 September 2024
This event was held at Wardie Bowling Club on a dreich, cold day but with an excellent lunch. Christine Simpson, Carole Ross and Sarah Howie took part and all the money raised went to the RNLI.
Falcon Friendly 7 September 2024
This annual game had Craigmillar Park hosting 5 triples games against Falcon Bowling Club. It was an overcast afternoon but not unpleasant and fun was had by all. Although Craigmillar Park won 3 of the games, a Falcon rink was highest up. Thanks to all the players who provided food for the following tea.
SELBL Presentation Day 3 September 2024
This was this year hosted by Alison MacLeod, as SELBL President, and Craigmillar Park Bowling Club, with Walter Vassie organising the food, helped by Roberta Stewart, Anna Fowlie & Ann Henderson. Christine Simpson, Carole Ross, Sarah Howie & Sally Vick represented the Club on the green, and Alison played in the Committee rink. It was a really friendly event with the teams all mixed up, but congratulations to Sally & Carole for being in the winning rink.
This year, Craigmillar Park came third in the Round Robin league, only one point behind second placed Juniper Green, but a massive 11 points behind the winner, Liberton.
Our pair wasn't successful in the Pairs competiion, but Christine Simpson made it to the Singles Final against Brunstane.
This years summer fair had to be postponed until August due to the repair work undertaken following the December storms.
Despite a grey day, the 2024 summer fair attracted a good number of visitors from the local area. As well as different ways to give bowls a try, including the popular penalty shoot out, we had a vast array of plants, home baking and handmade goods.
The tombola and raffle were popular and we raised a very welcome £800 which will help keep the club going.
We’re grateful for the support of members and neighbours for our annual event.
Presidents Day 2024
On Saturday 10 August, President Donald Bunting hosted his charity day with dry but blustery weather. The afternoon started with 4 pairs games, of 10 ends each, followed by drinks of prosecco, nosecco, tea or coffee and a splendid Italian cake.
Prizes were awarded to Mary (an annual visitor from Bedford) for being the first person to touch the jack, and to Jim Howie & Ben Harte for having the highest deficit of all the games.
Sarah Howie, Ron Blane & Ruth Addinall won the raffle prizes and then everyone returned to the green for a bit of fun.
First off, a jack had been placed in the centre of the green, and everyone stood around the edges, and rolled their bowl simultaneously towards it; it moved around a few times, but when everything came to rest, Allan Paton had the nearest bowl.
Secondly, a jack was placed in front of some small goal posts, and everyone had to try and score a goal with the jack. First time around, Alison MacLeod and Sally Vick came close but with the last bowl, Ben Harte scored the winning goal. The goalposts were then moved, and this time Christine Simpson scored with no-one else in the running.
A very enjoyable afternoon, and just over £550 was raised for Empty Kitchens, Full Hearts, a charity whose aim is to relieve poverty by providing meals and support to people across Edinburgh free of charge and without judgement.
Bruntsfield Sports Sunday Triples 2024
The opening event of this years contest started on Sunday 28 July at Craigmillar Park, with visiting teams from Braid and Whitehouse & Grange. President Donald Bunting handed over the green to David Hudson for the start of three 5 end games on a pleasant sunny afternoon. Tea and biscuits followed. The results from stage 1 gave Craigmillar Park a significant lead on their home green.
Craigmillar Park were last years winners, the first playing of the revised format with a new sponsor. Past President Christine Simpson had been responsible for sorting out the engraving and her husband Allan had made a wooden plinth for the trophy to stand on.
Stage 2 of the contest, held on Sunday 4 August, gave Braid a lead on their own green but Craigmillar Park took one point more than their fair share, so weren't downcast.
Stage 3 was held at Whitehouse & Grange on Sunday 18 August on a blustery day with occasional sunny intervals. The green played well for Craigmillar Park, who took 14 of the 36 points available, and came out overall winners. A very good tea was served to everyone before the trophy was presented by David Hudson to Donald Bunting.
Club Championships 21 July 2024
The Men's & Ladies Championships were played on a very pleasant afternoon. In the Men's game, marked by President Donald Bunting, Richard Hicks took an early lead, but Walter Vassie came back to be peeling at 8 all after 10 ends. The game see-sawed: 17 ends was 12 all, and 25 ends was 18 all. A very close game but Walter took the next 2 ends to finish the game at 21-18. In the Ladies' game, marked by Honorary President Derick Scott, it was very even being 8 all after 10 ends. Then Ruth Addinall streaked ahead to be 17-8 up after 16 ends. Frances Lindsay wasn't finished though and, at 22 ends, the score was 19-18 to Ruth; a 3 in the next end clinched the game for Ruth. The spectators commented on how thrilling both games had been. After the presentations, everybody enjoyed a strawberry tea organised by Vice-President Walter and his wife Anne.
On an overcast day (11 July) at Juniper Green, Christine Simpson was representing the Club in the SELBL Singles final. She had beaten Merchiston in a very close 31 end game at Liberton, and Whitehouse & Grange at Brunstane to get to this stage: but it was not to be her day against Carol, a previous winner, from Brunstane.
A sunny afternoon saw the delivery of six new bowls gatherer scoops from Bebington Steps in Ottery St Mary. The purchase of these was possible because of a very kind legacy left to the Club by Morag Graham.
Saturday 6 July saw Vice-President Walter welcoming President Jimmy and Dunfermline Bowling Club to Craigmillar Park for the first of two fixtures this season. Despite the weather forecast, it was a pleasant afternoon with only a brief shower interspersed with sunshine. As the 15 end games were coming to a conclusion it looked as if the home team had the advantage but the last two ends saw a change of fortune for the visitors who went on to win 57 points to 50. An excellent tea was served to us by Walter & Ann.
The second fixture is due to be played at Dunfermline on Saturday 31 August.
After the early December storms when the stone boundary wall collapsed and damaged the tool shed and the back of the tearoom, the tearoom has now had the back wall replaced and the stone wall has been rebuilt. The tool shed has had to be demolished.
Saturday 11th May was a beautiful sunny day and 19 players took part in the mixed hat game, with 2 spectators, to celebrate the return to operational status of the tearoom.
Saturday 27 April at 2pm
This season the start was delayed due to the amount of rain earlier in the year. By 27 April, it was decided that the green was ready for play. Twenty two members arrived to play with five spectators. It was a lovely sunny day but still a bit on the chilly side. President Donald Bunting welcomed everyone to the green and Ladies Champion Frances Lindsay rolled the silver jack to officially open the green. This year those playing for the Vice-President triumphed over the Presidents side, quite substantially. The highest up Vice-President's rink was Tom Lenagan, Derick Scott, Anna Fowlie and George Hanson. The highest up President's rink was Allan Paton, Donald Bunting, Carole Ross and Jennifer Elder. They were all presented with a small prize.
It was really wet on closing day there was no chance of play, the green was flooded so
we played Bingo.
2023 Prizewinners
Men v. Ladies - Caroline Miller Shield - Winners- The Ladies
2023 Champions and Runners Up.
Go to the Gallery to view all the photos Anne took on the day. Speak to her at the club if you would like some prints.
We had a fantastic day at Dunfermline this year.
Conditions were a bit windy but the company and the food were lovely as usual.
Craigmillar Park won the cup by three points. Thanks to all who organised the day and to those who took part.
Photo, Jimmy presenting the cup to Christine.
We were really lucky with the weather for Opening Day with a good turn out. It was lovely to see everyone, both players and spectators. Last years club champion Sally Vick opened the day by rolling the Silver Jack.
The Vice Presidents team won again this year!
The tea was fantastic thanks to all contributors, absolutely everything was eaten!!
Brilliant start to the season
Great photographs by Iain Henderson - click HERE to view more.
Club Singles Championship Day July 2022
Dunfermline Friendly
We had a lovely day on Saturday 2nd July, playing our annual friendly match against Dunfermline Bowling Club . It was the first time since Covid stopped the game taking place, which has been a fixture for over 70 years.
A lovely meal was provided by Walter and his wife Anne. All the raffle prizes were won by Craigmillar bowlers! However pictured is Christine Simpson presenting the trophy to Darren Henderson for Dunfermline bowlers who won the match by one point!
Bishopbriggs v Edinburgh Friendly 2022
The Edinburgh Ladies team at Bishopbriggs
Ruth Addinall and Christine Simpson were on the Edinburgh Ladies team that went to Bishopbriggs Bowling Club for the annual friendly match. It was a fantastic day, lots of great company, lovely food and good bowling. There were 6 full rinks and Edinburgh had the highest overall score. It has been an annual fixture since 1948, with only the 2 years out for Covid, so next year, the 75th Anniversary should be a really special day.
2022 Season
Opening day this year was great. Very well attended by regular members and lovely to see old and new faces.The green was opened with the silver jack by Anna Fowlie. Our first day match was the President's teams v the Vice-President's teams. The winners were Derick Scott, Tom Lenagan, Anna Fowlie on the Vice-President's team.
Anna Fowlie opening the green with the silver jack.
Presidents past, present and future!
It has been a particularly good season weather wise, and the green has been looking extremely good for the latter part of the season (unlike last year!).The anti fox fence has turned out to be an excellent investment.